Hungarian State Secretariat for National Policy

  • Sára Pataki
    Dénes Laczkó

    From feed factory to poultry shop chain – how the delicious Székely Csürke (Szekler Chicken) gets to the table

    Born in Gyergyószentmiklós (Gheorgheni), Romania, educated in Kolozsvár (Cluj Napoca), he now runs the largest and most modern feed factory in Romania, and a...
  • Fanni Fekete
    Adrán Marcinkó

    “Komárom is a city with weight” – Adrián Marcinkó is building the community of Hungarian entrepreneurs in Slovakia

    Many people think that entrepreneurs are lonely people, and as a minority Hungarian, this can be doubly true. Adrián Marcinkó from Komárom, Slovakia, founder...
  • Lívia Kölnei
    Ildikó Bálint

    "As soon as you enter, time freezes and you find yourself back in your childhood" – Selfieteria in Szabadka: a playground for adults

    She makes other people's dreams come true while realizing her childhood dream. Ildikó Bálint , the founder and creator of the Selfieteria, Selfie Museum...