Ildikó Antal-Ferencz

  • Ildikó Antal-Ferencz
    The Balint family

    “A normal birth does not require medical intervention” – in conversation with obstetrician-gynaecologist Balázs Bálint

    Balázs Bálint is one of the most popular Hungarian obstetricians. Expectant mothers queue up for him. He continues – as a legacy of his...
  • Ildikó Antal-Ferencz
    Gergely Kiss and his wife

    Gergely Kiss: “It never once crossed my mind that things could be better with another woman”

    They met each other when they were 19, quite by chance, although both played water polo. Ancsa studied at college in Eger and she...
  • Ildikó Antal-Ferencz
    The Velkey family

    The family-friendly head of a family-friendly hospital – In conversation with Dr. György Velkey

    This was not my first interview with Dr. György Velkey, and yet I was still consumed with curiosity: would we be able to have...
  • Ildikó Antal-Ferencz
    mother wound

    The mother wound derives from an absence of love and it is difficult to heal

    The mother wound derives from an absence of maternal, unconditional love. Emotionally speaking, this is the biggest psychological trauma that a child can go...
  • Ildikó Antal-Ferencz
    Father wound

    Father wound – Male society suffers from a lack of fathers

    “It's very good that we are talking about men at all because nowadays we are approaching all issues mainly from the perspective of women's...